My name is Carlos Davide and this is my website.
I'm a software engineer (by training) with over 8 years of experience
in the field, mostly focused on everything pertaining to backend
web development.
I'm comfortable everywhere from the bash prompt all
the way up to the development of API's for webservices and their
respective integrations. It's very common to see me around Debians,
CentOSes, Alpines, various different cloud providers, Ansible playbooks,
OAuth 2.0 implementations, legacy codebases which are under
modernization and in general jumping from chair to chair, discussing
programming topics with everyone in wayyyy to much detail.
In my spare time, I dabble around with random programming languages,
I attempt to convince Alpine it can be a laptop distro (spoiler:
it's not that bad it takes some effort), or I program arduinos
to blink a row of red lights
back and forth while playing the Knight Rider theme in the background.
Fun times.
Some things to know about me:
I'm very curious, and I get quite bored when not learning something.
In a room full of people, I'm usually the one who has "heard
about it".
I tend to choose getting things done over working, and when I have
to work I choose smart, not hard. Sometimes I'm blessed by a
spike of creativity in this process, which is always nice.
I don't multitask, and quite frankly, I think anyone who says
they do are either BS'ing everyone starting with themselves, or they're
just pretending to be busy and hope nobody notices. No amount of
pseudo-multitasking can beat a good two hours of John-Wick-like
I have other interests outside of CompSci and IT, and these span
quite a broad range of subjects. This should eventually become
apparent as the branes get populated with more rants.
Freedom of speech, privacy and sustainability (in all its forms)
are very important to me. These will be defended vigorously
across these pages.
This is also the space where I vent. If you're offended by what I
write, don't ever try to know what I think.